He's here!!!!

I was induced Thursday at 2pm.  I started early labor at about 5-6 pm that night.  I immediately started to dilate but not a ton.  Friday I was put on pitocin and dilated a lot more and I was given an epidural.  The epidural wasn't working so they have me something else for the pain.  By 5 am Saturday morning I was in a ton of pain and 9cm dilated.  By 630 I was ready to go when I started to push nothing was happening.  They did and ultrasound and the baby was "sunny side up" meaning face up and he needed to be facedown. They went in and flipped him but he flipped right back over so the next time they flipped him they held his head while I had a contraction and guided him out.  I pushed for another 20 or so minutes and little Max Edward made his grand entrance!  When he came out he was floppy and not breathing.  They had to work on him for 10 min and finally he was screaming!  ( thank god!!) he had swallowed miconium.  It was super scary.  I'm so glad this beautiful boy is finally here!!