Charlotte Peggy Harrison

My adorable little Charlotte was born on Thursday the 4th of February at 7:35pm weighing a small 6 pounds 4 ounces measuring 48cm long. I went into spontaneous labor on Thursday morning at 2am after having an appointment on the Tuesday at 40 + 2 with a completely closed cervix. I went into the hospital at 10am to find out I was only 1cm dilated so I got sent home being told I wouldn't be in active labor until 10pm that night as it was my first and she was posterior. I went back into the hospital at 2:30pm after the midwives reluctantly allowing me to come in that early. I saw my doctor and got checked to find out I was 4-5cm dilated and that they were going to break my water! Then is started to get a whole lot more intense and I started using the gas and air. A couple of hours after having my water broken I decided to get the epidural (Thank god!) then things started to progress, my doctor was called back at 7pm and I started to push. I needed the aid of forceps as my little princess decided to stay posterior and I needed 1 stitch. All I can say is that I am in Love!!