Hate, hate, HATE being pregnant.

I hated being pregnant the first time around and this time is proving to be the same way. I have absolutely horrible all day nausea which is only being helped a tiny bit by zofran (which I feel guilty for taking), I have always had muscle spasms in my neck and TMJ which I take meds for but can't while pregnant, I have IBS really badly which I normally control with meds and diet but again, I can't take the meds while pregnant which means terrible stomach pain and major constipation, and I have terrible back pain already (which I had throughout my whole first pregnancy too). I feel so uncomfortable all of the time and because I'm so sick, I can't cook, clean, or take care of my 3 year old daughter like I normally do. 
Even though I hated pregnancy the first time around, I knew I wanted two children, I always wanted to give my daughter a sibling. We had been TTC for 2 years exactly and found out that my egg reserve was very low for someone my age resulting in secondary infertility. We prayed constantly for a miracle and we finally got it. But I can't help but literally count down the seconds until August 30th and it's driving me crazy. This is what I have always wanted, but I am hating every
minute of it! I feel so guilty feeing this way when this is exactly what I wanted, but I can't help it. I'm just miserable.