Are you his babysitter?

Lifeislovely • Mommy to one gorgeous boy and three angel babies. Getting ready to have my rainbow baby girl in February 2021.
When I picked up my son last week from his aftercare someone who I've never seen before brought him to me. She asked me if I am his babysitter. This seemed odd to me since I feel that I am clearly old enough to be his mom. I've been told that I look in my 20s but not young enough to be asked and I'm a babysitter. I'm not sure if it's because he was dressedbetter than me. We had a dressdown day at work and I was wearing jeans which I don't typically do. I usually just my son up and very preppy cute little clothes, so our outfits were very dissimilar. My son is mixed, but in South Florida that is fairly common. Hi would you have reacted to that question?