Second Trimester Woes


So, I've been reading on Glow and other sites about this magical second trimester where I will have energy, not be sick anymore, and not be peeing every two hours. I have felt better than the first trimester, I can say that, but I don't feel like these articles tell me I "should". I'm peeing more now than ever. I'm still so exhausted that I barely get out of bed on weekends. In my first trimester, I was nauseous all day every day, on the verge of throwing up, but didn't really throw up all that often. Now, out of nowhere, without being terribly nauseous first, I'm puking at random. I've also read that morning sickness can last for longer than first trimester, but to have all of these symptoms hanging around is making me nervous and worried. Is the baby unstable, and that's why I still feel this way?

Any insight, or anyone else going through this?

Edit: Is anyone having other symptoms they weren't expecting going into the second trimester?