Botn 30/01/2016. Birth story (long) 12hrs active labor almost C-section!


My baby boy "Connor" made his rough entrance!

8pnd 5.

2:48am (2mins after his dad was born :D )

After a 3day labor with constant contractions and being sent home with "false labor" to finally getting checked 2days later and being at 4cm, a nice midwife broke my waters. Nothing on my birth plan really went as planned, but what birth goes to plan!? He got stuck at 7cm where they told me to think about getting an epidural, so I said okay (I wanted all natural). The anesthesiologist was so rude and was pissed off that I was having back to back contractions (hello I'm in effing hard labor!!!) That before he did it his words were (not even lying) "F**k this, I'm done, just give her some morphine" and HE WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM!!! The doctor said "we can't give a pregnant woman morphine!!!" By this point babies heart beat was dipping so they told me that I will need pitocin to try and speed things up. After 9 attempts to get a drip in (my partners good with needles but he walked out as he was going to faint with all the needles and digging to get a vein! Poor bugger) they finally got a drip in however they agreed it was safer to do an emergency C-section and they'd have to knock me out to do so and there was a risk that baby would need to spend time in the nicu :( . as they called the baby doctor they got me half dressed for theater and just as i was about to sign the C-section sheet I needed to push!!! Low and behold they could see his head. I pushed for about 15mins and with the assistance of the vacuum he was delivered naturally!! I did receive a 2nd degree tear but that was nothing compared to the 3days of labor and the 12hrs of active labor that I'd went through. He was placed on my chest with skin to skin straight away where he made a squeel and went straight to sleep on my chest. The baby doctor looked at him and then walked out lol. He pinked up straight away and found the breast himself!!! Every midwife that came in were like "are you the young mum that delivered naturally after 12hrs with am almost C-section?" :) . later that day I found out the anesthesiologist was in fact a retired anesthesiologist!!!! He hadn't done a epidural in years >:( . Thank God he walked out, I could've ended up paralysed! So glad he was delivered safe and was naturally! Any new mothers who are nervous, I can honestly say the contractions arnt that bad. Back rubs, hip pressure, the ball and showers are AMAZING!! xo