Need some advice

Thursday afternoon I took a 45 min nap, and when I got up the crotch of my shorts were soaked and stained pink. I went to the bathroom, wiped, and there was a lot of very pink discharge on the paper. Looked it up and everything that I read said it was normal so I just went about my day. The next day I went to the ER because I couldn't stop vomiting and had them check it out. They said my cervix was closed, and that I must have been peeing on myself. They didn't test the fluid or want to see the discharge on the paper I had brought. I've had the discharge everyday since, and woke up this morning with some cramping in my stomach and back. It went away for a while, but comes back. The discharge is also getting redder. I'm still feeling movement. Glow says I'm 20w3d and my. Dr says 19w. This is my third pregnancy, and I've never had this before. Should I be concerned?