IM MAD!!!!!!!!!👊🏽

Lately I have been reading through posts on here and have noticed all the hate leaning towards younger girls in particular who are deciding to start sexual things. Majority of these girls are looking for honest help and don't wanna ask their parents and it's nice to have a community of girls who will hear you out but we gotta stop the bitchy comments!! I understand that you may believe these girls are too young to start this stuff but it's not up to us. You may have waited till you were 22 but maybe these girls don't want to, and we can't stop that. I recently read a post about a young girl who was asking about advice for when she has sex with her boyfriend tonight and some of the comments were disgusting, saying things like "have fun being pregnant" and "you should be playing with toys not dicks" these comments truly made me feel disgusted in humanity and sick to think another women could be so rude to a women who was just asking for advice to be safe. I believe this app is a community that we can openly talk about experiences and ask questions but even myself I feel as if I can't post anything without the fear of being judged. People make mistakes right? So their is no need to beat the 13 year old girl down for having sex with some guy she met while camping with her family. We will all hopefully one day have sex right ? So there is no need to judge that poor 14 year old girl who is deciding to have sex with her boyfriend. She can do whatever the fuck she wants!! It's her body and it doesn't impact us in anyway shape or form, just because some of us believe in no sex till marriage or abstinence doesn't mean we all do, and doesn't give you the right to bully someone for the decisions they have made. C'mon girls, we gotta support eachother not bring eachother down, if you made the decisions they have you wouldn't wanna be bullied or put down!! Spread the love ladies 💖