Need advice

I find myself so angry and mean lately...I've been going through certain things and all I want is for someone to hear me specifically my significant other,but when I "vent" to him he claims I'm complaining or thinks I shouldn't be worried about whatever the situation is...for example: I had a roommate and allowed her and her son to live here cause they were facing being homeless,well she got a job and offered to pay 150$ a week that includes everything,cable,Internet,electric,rent,water,washer and dryer, everything,well she up and moved while I was at work while oweing me 300$...then she blocked me on Facebook and I txtd her and she sent me a picture of over 1,000$ and said "f" your money" so of course being a mother of a 2 year old and 8 Mos pregnant that came at a terrible time in my life cause the rent lady is hounding me about rent...then I find out my baby is breech at 35 weeks:( which I'm not too worried about but it's one thing after another...luckily my significant other got a new job and is helping yet I caught him recently in a lie about a girl he claimed on Facebook was his cousin and it turned out they ain't even related just friends,he apologized but that doesn't mean I trust him right now...and he's mad I don't trust him..then a girl he works with I said "she's pretty" and he said she's 17...I asked him how he knew and he claims it was just a how do you randomly guess that lol. Oh well but aside from it all I'm due in less than 30 days and I can't think of one memorable thing I've been through for the good during this pregnancy...that's sad:( it's been complete chaos and drama and I blame myself for allowing these ppl who claim to be my friends and love me take a precious moment away from me...