In the need of some help

(Sorta kinda TMI)
My boyfriend and I got a little carried away and we didn't really "have sex" but his penis did touch my vagina? But my leggings were on so he didn't put it in. If that makes sense?, I was just 'grinding on him' nothing more than that. He didn't cum i know for a fact and he used the bathroom multiple times before we did what we did. But this past Friday I used the bathroom and had a little bit of clearish with a little bit of what seemed to be bloody discharge? This also happened January 19. The whole situation occurred January 16. Is it normal for this to happen? We have not done anything like that since. I have irregular periods so that doesn't help my situation :( if it helps my last period was around Christmas and the one before that was on the second week of September. Should I be fine? Please please please help me out :) thank you