My husband rarely helps me...with anything.

I've been married to my husband for about a year and a half, and we have a beautiful 6 month old daughter. I love him, but my attraction to him and desire to spend quality time is lessening with each passing day. He does not contribute financially unless I nag him. I pay all of our utilities, internet, and there's only one credit card I can even pay the minimum on now because I've had to rely on credit cards to keep us from going under. I put $600 worth of tires on his vehicle using my card and he hasn't even offered to help me make payments. I pay half of the mortgage and he pays the other half...because I remind him to save it back each paycheck. He has financially ruined me. I'm looking into filing for bankruptcy.

He works three 10-12 hour days out of town on weekends, while I work around 15-20 hours per week right now to keep my daughter out of daycare. Because of this, he feels like he shouldn't have to do anything around the house. He won't touch a dish, fold his own laundry, pick up after himself or his dogs he brought into the relationship. If I'm in the middle of doing chores and he's playing with his phone and the baby cries, he does nothing. I always have to drop everything. He refuses to do basic things for himself like drive to the store or mail a letter. He made me call his insurance company to report an accident he had.

I want to be his wife, not his mother! If I bring anything up to him he gets his feelings hurt instead of taking me seriously. He says he'll do better but it never gets better. I'm at a point where I'm just going to start working full time and find some help watching my child and just pay everything on my own and stop asking for anything. Tonight we were at the store and when he found out he was the only one who had money he started putting everything back except what he actually went to the store for. I just don't know what to do. I'm tired of talking and nothing changing. Thanks for reading all of that! I don't want to get a divorce, but I'm just so fed up!!