Kind of an odd question

So is it possible for your water to break during sex? 
I had a dr appt this morning where it was discovered that I have a highe level of amniotic fluid Andre told me that my water could break at any time. I was telling all of this to my husband and said "what would you do if my water broke during sex and I was on top?"
Well I am wondering if that exact scenario happened. This might be tmi but I had to stop in the middle twice due to my feeling like I was pulling a muscle in my stomach. When all was said and done, there was WAY more fluid than usual. Hubby said he could feel it dripping down his sides and it was pooling underneath him. I don't think this was a bladder issue because I went to the bathroom right before and right after. 
I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight lol what a way to jinx myself!