Implantion bleed 4 dpo????

Hi ladies. This is my second month of trying to concieve. So just getting the hang of things of when I ovulate. So me and partner BD on Saturday and Monday. It's kinda hard to do it when it is right time as he works night shift to sometimes 15 hours per shift. Anyways I've been cramping all morning like I'm just about to start AF. so went to the loo to check as it can't be possible after finishing period 8 days ago. When I wiped it was reddish brown mucus blood. I have a 26/27 day cycle. No been on bc since September(implant) . Could this be implantion? This is all new to me as with my first 2 it just happened and didn't know till miss period. I'm worried if I am I have a smear test today. Thank xx