I Need it everyday 😈😍😁

I want sex all the time like almost everyday !! I've never been this way with any other guy but my bf of 2 years drives me insane. No one has ever made me orgasm like he does he's the first person to make me a squirt!! But it's like I'm the guy he's the girl I want sex all the time and I get mad and upset when I can't have it!! I love morning sex but he sleeps all day where I'm more up and go! He'd rather play video games than have sex and I can never understand why ? Is it me ? Am I not as desirable to him ? His sex drive is half what I am and I hate him for it I know I sound selfish but shouldn't he love the fact that I can't keeps my hands of him? I need help what can I do stop trying to come on to him all the time ? I should be every guys dream I love sex !!