WT* is going on!!?

Hi there, I just had a few questions, because I'm EXTREMELY confused about my ovulation cycle this month!!
I know that stress can push ovulation to a further time. However, I'm wondering if high-stress, (literally right when your basal temperature rises), can still push ovulation? A few weeks ago I was definetly about to ovulation, (at least to my knowledge I was- based on rise in temperature, major mood swings, & a positive ovulation test), but I went through an extremely stressful situation. Then yesterday, I felt additional symptoms of ovulation, (TMI-but super horny... Like so bad), so I took an ovulation test, and to me it looks positive, but I'm not quite 100% sure about it. The directions say the test line, (which is the outer line) should be lighter or similar to the other line. the other line is extremely similar, but definetly lighter... The pictures don't do justice. 
Attached are both my temperature chart & pictures of my test yesterday. 
The issue is, after the stressful time I was going through, I stopped taking my temperature in the morning, and just started again today.. It would've been so helpful to see!