Looking to meet new people

Kat (kitten) • I am unusual, fun, easy to get along with. We are not traditional or religious, respect goes both ways. He is disabled, I also have issues. Looking to talk and share stories with, anyone is welcome.

I am Kat, 22 years of age. I am an unusual person but fun and easy to get along with. This will be our third cycle officially actively trying. Last period was January 27th - January 31st anyone cycle buddies? My partner and I are engaged. We are not very traditional or religious, If you respect me than I will respect you regardless of what you believe or do not believe. This might not be normal, I am looking for someone to talk to that is also trying. Maybe become friends or regular chatting. My fiance and I are struggling because he has a bad back from an injury when he was four and is becoming more disabled every week. I too have some health issues, but nothing bad.

Anyone is welcome to introduce themselves, looking for people to talk to and share stories with.