Boyfriends penis

Okay so I was giving my boyfriend oral the other night and felt something unusual and I turned the light on and there were 3 little white bumps under the head of his penis. I was instantly like wtf?! But after further examination I noticed there is a line of them around the head of his penis. So automatically I was like wth is this?! And he said I don't know I don't have anything and he's only been with 1 other girl and she was a virgin when they met and we're together almost 2 years but then I did a little research and found PPP pearly penile papules. Because they do not itch or burn or are irritated I'm thinking this is what it is. And he isn't fully circumcised and its said to be more common in uncircumcised men. It is NOT and std nor does it originate from one. Does anyone else's boyfriend have these??