i think im out again and i havent slept for twodays!

hannah • 29 mom of 2 want a family of 7kids love and miss my mom 8-18-2015 she passed
so disappointing im 11dpo and have spotting but af isnt due till feb12 so guess im fixing to have period but earlier!! ugh i cant believe its been 9months already and still nothing i already decided if i didnt get pregnant this cycle i would see a fertility specialist ive been praying hard for a big family i just hope it doesnt take years like it did with my second child it took 5yeard to have him!! i hope i can get answers that it is something minor and easy to be treated fixed so we can start on that big family and have our prayers answered and have more children im so depressed i cryed my eyes out today i want more kids so badly and i havent slept for 2days!