I don't know what to do

Ashley • 19 • Love to help, support and share my stories • follow me on insta! @ashleyxrebekah
I asked for a break because my boyfriend I are always together and argue a lot, so I said that it would be good if we spent a few days by ourselves not communicating. He didn't like this (even though he's asked for a break twice and eventuallyyyyy I complied), but he did not want to comply. He said that he is taking this break as a break up, and when I said it isn't a break up, he said "oh well, to me it is." He said that I can either go to his house and fix it (which I do with every argument we have when we're not together) or we're done. I asked him to come here to my house for once in his life because it feels like he doesn't want to make an effort, but he has a valid excuse that he had to stay home with his Granddad who came out of hospital last week (even though his grandad usually spends all day by himself).
 I would love any and every perspective on this situation please. I don't want to give up on him but I'm at breaking point! 
I forgot to mention he has blocked me on every social platform so I have no way of reaching him.