So pissed!!!!

So I have been to l&d two times , 3 weeks apart do to really bad back pain. (To the point it hurts to breath) The first time my doctor gave me something to help take the pain away and help me sleep. This time I go in and the doctor I don't like because he took my shaking and light headedness as anxiety (this was at 25 weeks, I'm now 38) and tried to give me depression medicine, when really I had gestational diabetes and that's why I was shaky and light headed. He refused to give me anything.... The man that tried to drug me for something I did have wouldn't give me something to help take away my pain. I just don't understand. I hate going to the hospital, so when I go it's no joke. And if another person tells me to take a sugar pill (Tylenol) or take a warm bath I will flip. Lol sorry