Struggling to ovulate

Nicola • Married. 29 years old. Mmc at 11 weeks July 2015 and mc at 4+3 weeks Nov 2015. Pregnant with baby girl due 30.07.17 ♡♡
I was diagnosed with PCOS via ultrasound in September 2015. I have been pregnant twice before - May 2015 and Nov 2015 but both ended in mc :-(. I notice every month that my body seems to gear up to ovulate but seems to struggle so tries again a few days or even a week later. I get ewcm around cd13/14 and twinges on ovary but then it my cm changes back to non fertile and twinges dissappear...A few days or even a week later I'll start getting ewcm again and twinges. I have regular cycles (approx 34 days) but don't ovulate until cd20-26. I've heard this can affect egg quality if you ovulate late or your body struggles to release the egg. Would Clomid/something else help me ovulate earlier and help my body release egg better? I seem to ovulate every month but not getting pregnant and feel this may have something to do with it xxx