
Tomorrow is the day that I will test to see if I'm pregnant or not. I've been delaying it all week because I'm afraid of getting a BFN. AF should've been here yesterday. My boobs are sore, got cramps and I'm feeling bloated. I'm super stressed because of this. I'm sure it is a BFN. But I don't want to know it. Sorry for the TMI, I checked my CM and saw a hint of darker color. Something I always get the day before AF shows. But I don't want to to acknowledge that. 
This TTC feels like a roller coaster. I want to get out, but want to keep going too. A BFP is all I want. A honeymoon baby. 8 months of TTCing turns me into a person I never thought I would be. Sensitive to other baby news. Almost jealous. That's not me. But somehow it is. 
So tomorrow. I'll get my hopes smashed again. I'm sure AF is going to show. I know AF will show. But if not, I'll test tomorrow....
Sorry - I had to vent....