Who's TTC?!

Looking for women who are TTC, would love to talk with you all. Share our stories or concerns or even ask a question. Having a group of ladies to talk to about the struggles and everything in between will be great. 
Ok so here's my story ... I'm 21 years old, and in September I lost my baby, I wasn't trying for a child at this point but was excited all the same. When I lost my baby I began to try to conceive and every month it was tourture when I got my period, cried everytime. Now my period was due 6 days ago and nothing, I tested 4 days before missed period and it was a negative, and then I tested 2 days after missed period and it was negative. I'm now 6 days late and have a lot of pregnancy symptoms so I'll test this evening after work and hope for the best, so nerve wreaking.