Rainbow Baby🌈👶🏼

Well last month I got this incredibly wonderful news! I'm pregant!!! Oh happy day. So I told my husband, my mom and stepdad, that I was pregnant for the second time! Did all the normal things, pee test and blood test found out I was about 3-4 weeks along. We found out that Friday.......2 days later I started to bleed 😔😢 found out I miscarried. I was so numb of emotions I didn't know what to do. Since I work with my mom she was the first person I told, and I just lost it when she found out the news. Since she herself has had a miscarriage.
Then the doc told me to treat this as a period and don't try again till I have a normal cycle, which I agree with! But I found out 4 days ago that I am pregnant again! And we weren't even trying, well I knew I was ovulating but it's been a roller coaster of emotions this last month. But I am so blessed and nervous for this I have faith will be my rainbow baby. 
Bless you all, baby dust and healthy pregnancy to you ☺️🙏🏼