Most likely to have the baby this weekend!!!!!

Ginny • Hello I'm 25 and loving my life. We are expecting a little boy and I'm in love with this baby.
So I went to my appointment today and Braeden is doing amazingly. Placenta, cord flow, heart rate is great. He was breathing, hiccupping and all over the place. However he is way...way....waaayyyyy down low. My doctor checked my cervix and his head is in her palm. I guess my cervix doesn't want to move much. My contractions are strong enough to have me dilating to 2 but she doesn't want to risk my water breaking and him coming now because there 3-4 minutes apart and good ones. So if they don't stop or intensify we will be having a baby this weekend. I'm 34 weeks and trying to tough it out but GOD am I miserable. The have done everything they can to stop them but nothing is working. Please keep me and my little puddin pop in your thoughts.