Taking a break

Melanie • Rainbow baby girl conceived with the help of science and born 5/23/17, pregnant with baby number 2, due August 29th

Sorry for the long post, but i feel like it is helpful to get it all out. Thanks to the ladies for the support I've gotten on this app.

This last month was harder than the previous, and that one was pretty darn hard. We decided to try to have a baby in August 2014. We got pregnant really fast, only 2 months. It was an easy pregnancy, and everything seemed great. Had a few ultrasounds, and during the 11 week one, we found that there was no longer a heartbeat. We had to have a D&C on December 23rd 2014, and it was an incredibly difficult Christmas for us. We have been trying again since then, so over a year now. We started seeing a fertility specialist in October. Started clomid back in August. Stepped up our treatments and plans each month using clomid, menopur, monitored cycles, HCG trigger shots, did an HSG flush, etc. This last month, we did 100mg of clomid days 3 through 7, 2 vials of menopur on days 3, 6, and 9, and an HCG trigger shot on day 13, and back to back <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on days 14 and 15. I had 3 large mature follicles. We had asked the nurse before then what the odds of getting pregnant doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> were, and she said about 20 to 25%, so not to get our hopes up too much. When they saw all the follicles, the nurse and doctor both said they were sure I would be pregnant that month. Also, before that my husband had called a radio show on a whim when they had a tarot card reader on. He asked about us getting pregnant, and the first card was the pregnancy card. Even the DJ was amazed. She told him it would happen soon, but we may have to do something first, maybe something medical. We thought maybe she meant the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. Neither of us buy that much into the psychic stuff, but ya never know, and we thought maybe it was a sign. After all that happened this month, we thought for sure I would be pregnant, and got our hopes up. Then AF was late, which never happens. I kept taking tests, and getting negatives. Then sure enough, right in the middle of a super bowl party, AF showed. It was heartbreaking, and we talked about how we weren't sure we could take much more. In the meantime, my sister is pregnant with her second son (both were accidents that just happened), and multiple friends are either expecting or trying. I'm trying to be happy for them, and my sister is a great mom, but it is so hard to see all of these people who don't want kids, or are not ready, don't have jobs, are still in school, or whatever and they just get pregnant without trying. They make it look so easy. We've done everything we can to be ready, have great careers, love each other so much, been together 13 years, got married 4 1/2 years ago, took our time, got our young party days out of our system, bought a nice house, saw doctors before we even started trying to get the "ok," saw specialists, etc, and nothing. We have decided to take a few months off of trying. We just can't handle it anymore. No more tracking (other than when AF should show), no fertility specialists, clomid, treatments, ovulation tests, getting our hopes up... We'll try again one day, but the emotional toll it's taken the last few months is too much. Good luck to all you ladies still trying. I hope it happens for you all soon!