Pregnant again!

Hello all. I have just discovered that I am 5 weeks pregnant. I have mixed feelings about this pregnancy for a few reasons and would like to know if anyone else has experienced this. 2 years ago, my husband and I got very surprising news during a routine check up, we were pregnant. After 7 yrs of marriage and being told that due to my PCOS, it was going to be difficult for us to get pregnant. So needless to say we were shocked and so excited. Well after a month of blood tests that made me feel like a pin cushion and sonogram after sonogram, they could not fine the baby. After that loss, I went into a depression and ended up gaining a bit of weight (I had already been over weight to begin with)

With the latest news, we do not know how to feel. We are happy, of course. But do not want to get our hopes up, again. My numbers 2 days ago was only 40, just got blood work today but havent gotten the results yet. After an ectopic pregnancy, what is the chances of this one being normal? Thanks in advance.