Our Story

Lauren • I`m 35 and hopeful.
Erik and I started dating 14 years ago. Although for months we told are families we were "just friends". We knew our single life was pretty much done. Over the years we watched our families expand. We gained nieces and a nephew. With that we started to discuss our own future children. We were so vivid with our imagination, I could see them, hear their voices, know their personalities, feel them growing inside me. Just laughing and talking about them would make our heart swell. We got married in October of 2011. We kind of had this no birth control attitude "whatever happens, happens". In general we were pretty laid back about the whole thing. A year passes by, then two I start to wonder is this normal? Our laid back routine turned into ovulation test, calendars, prenatal vitamins, doctors. With month after month heartbreak. Getting down on my knees at night just asking for those two lines, please Lord. We have now been married for over 4 years. This has tested our patience, my ability to function some days, my faith at times. But, we still have that hope in our hearts. 
God Bless you all.