When I first got my period.

Christine • 13 years old, living my life the way I want to not going to let anyone or anybody get in the way of my future
When I first got my period, I was 9 years old. I was at school and then, I started having these pains in my stomach, I asked to go to the bathroom. I then noticed that I started bleeding. When I got back to class I asked my teacher if I can go to the nurses office. I called my mom and asked her if she can come and get me, she said that she was stuck at work. Before my dad went to work I asked him if he can come get me and take me to my grandmother's house. I was in so much pain, I didn't even go to school the next day. I was scared that blood would come down fast. As, I started getting older and use to it I just started to just buy chocolate so I can eat it when it's on.
What's your period story? 📖📖📖