
I had my 39 week appointment today (at 39+2), and I feel like he's never going to come. I keep seeing everyone post their babies' delivery photos, and I even visited a friend and her baby in the hospital today. (She was due March 14, but had an emergency c section a couple days ago due to baby not growing, so it made me EVEN MORE anxious). It's making me so discouraged and upset! I've been trying everything. Sex causes contractions but nothing comes out of it, not even dilation or effacement. I've been at 80% effacement and 1/2 cm dilation and his head at the 0 position since 36+2. No changes at all. Today, I thought labor was coming on because I was cramping really bad from my back to my lower abdomen for a long time but it stopped... I'm so so bummed. 😭 now I have an ultrasound set for Wednesday to check on baby and then we might talk induction... I just hope he comes on his own before his induction date..