TTC, only been 6 days from the first try in months...

So I've been TTC since like July but stopped after like September because I had missed my period by atleast 3 days and tested and tested again and each time instead of a BFP I got a BFN. I had gotten my hopes up and had gotten excited, but when I got AF a day later after the incessant testing and hoping and praying I was extremely sad then decided to let it go I stopped trying. But the feeling of wanting a baby kicked in even harder in December and I finally started trying as of last Thursday and I'm trying so hard to stay relaxed and stop stressing it. I just have this weird notion in my mind that all my constant stressing over it and hoping for it will scare away whatever I could concieve and wash it right out of my vagina along with my period lol... I'm scared now, scared to hope for it but still can't help it. I'm engaged to be married in April and just want something to top off the good news to her family when we go on leave to go see them and get married in April.