Welcome to the world, Carson!

I was hoping I could remember every detail of my experience to share with you all. But, it turned into such a blur! Was induced at 2 a.m. on the 11th with petocin. Had some light contractions that were irregular and was only at 2 cm. They then broke my water around 5:30 a.m. and that really helped speed up the process. Quickly went to 3 cm and received some pain meds to take the edge off. The meds made me feel fuzzy but did help with the pain. After another hour or so, I was at a 4. I waited just a bit before getting the epidural. It wasn't bad at all and quickly numbed my legs and pelvis. They had such a hard time checking my cervix and this finally gave some relief! I pretty much opened a centimeter every hour after that until we got to 9 cm. My boy and body became extremely stubborn! I had a spot on my left side that felt the full power of the contractions. After an hour of dealing with the pain, I decided to get some extra epidural meds.  This completely numbed my lower half. Not having pain was great but I couldn't even feel any pressure. At about 4 in the afternoon, I was finally at a 10 and could start pushing. We tried so many tactics and this little guy did not want to get under my pelvic bone. It was hard being so numb and not knowing if I was pushing correctly. The doctor decided a vacuum would be our best option since we were over an hour into pushing.  Three pushes later and Carson was here at 5:18 p.m.! It was an exhausting, long, painful day, but completely worth it when he was laid on my chest.  The nurses and my family were outstanding! I couldn't have asked for a better group of supporters! 
7 lbs 3 ounces
18.6 inches long