I lied to my partner for the first time today...

Kylea • ✌
We are both terrible with keeping little secrets/surprises from each other. I saw he was trying to hide a little slip of paper from me. I just assumed he paid for flowers for Valentine's Day or something similar like last year. I guess he dropped the receipt while taking off his coat. When I came inside from walking the dog I saw the slip on the floor, knew he was trying to hide it so I just glanced at if and left it not wanting to ruin his surprise for me. He comes out and sees it on the floor and picks it up, clearly bummed I saw it. When he asked if I saw it, I told him no (honestly thinking I was lying). He then sets it down in front of me and it's actually from the jewelry store! My blind ass thought it was from the flower shop. We've been engaged for well over a year and we've both put off looking at rings because I think it's silly to spend money on something like that. Then I sat there with this stupid goofy smile on my face because deep down I'm kind of excited. I just hope he didn't spend a lot of money, he works so hard to waste it on jewelry. 
On an unrelated note I'm calling the optometrist tomorrow. 🤓