Elijah Cole was born via emergency c-section on Feb 6th around 8:30 pm

Elijah Cole was born via emergency c-section on Feb 6th around 8:30 pm. We went into the hospital the previous night @5 pm to be induced due to low fluid. 
 fter 20 hours of pitocin and having my water broke and only dilating to a 4 my blood pressure began to plummet and I began to pass out. They immediately gave me a shot of epinephrine and stopped the pitocin. 30 minutes later after restarting pitocin baby's heartbeat began to drop. So they stopped the pitocin. My blood pressure dropped again and another shot of epinephrine everything was back on track. 15-20 mins later baby's heartbeat began to slow once back on the pitocin. The decision was made we were in distress and wheeled me off for the cesarean. Not long after baby was born and whisked away to NICU for breathing issues. We did find out baby had moved to a transverse position. Elijah spent less than 24 hours on oxygen and only two days in NICU. He is a little jaundice and will have to have to see a urologist for a slightly dialated kidney but is doing well. I was incredibly scared but things turned out well and am thankful for my little rainbow.