Perfect husband

It's really sad, I see so many posts about cheating/unhappy/untrustworthy relationships on here, breaks my heart! Let's have a positive post, brag on your husband/wife/significant other! 
Il start! This is Allen, my husband, best friend and whole world. Every day he goes above and beyond for me and our boys (not biologically his either.. From previous marriage that was a 4yr train wreck) 
When we met I was pretty messed up from all the heartache and bullshit my ex husband put me through, and honestly thought I was stuck with living with that horrible person for the rest of my life. Allen changed all that, made me realize that I didn't have to live in the dark, didn't have to be afraid. I finally got up the courage to leave, get a divorce and get my kids and myself out of there. That was over a year ago. This man is heaven sent! Everything I could ever dream of in a man, this guys got it!! Couldn't imagine life without him in it 💙❤️💚💜
This is him and his horse, his pride and joy, Dixie :) we both have horses and it's a passion neither of us could be without! We met and married at a ranch, complete with horses in the ceremony!