My husband betrayed me..

I really don't want to post this on here but I need to vent. I already know what's going to happen, everyone is going to say I am blind and that my husband cheated on me despite me knowing with certainty that that is not true. But here goes anyways: Last night my husband should have been at school and then the gym. Meanwhile I was caring for his kids (I say his bc they literally aren't mine), taking his son to basketball, homework, bed yadda yadda. This is a typical Thursday for us. Kids are with us full time. I woke up when my husband climbed into bed at his normal time and he smelt like beer. He thought I was asleep. I didn't react, I kept sleeping. I woke up this morning, searching for evidence of him drinking at home. Nothing. He was asleep as he had no work today so I text him about an hour later saying "is there a reason you wreaked of beer when you climbed into bed last night?" He immediately apologized and told me he went to the bar with coworkers. Literally never told me. I feel so betrayed. He said everything I wanted to hear but I told him this is bigger than "I'm sorry". Please don't respond with he's cheating, that's not my concern, but thoughts or advice on this?

**Update** yes they were female workers. Two who are lesbians and married, one who is single and one who is going through fertility issues like us.

Also he through a hissy fit that he had to miss the gym on Monday bc of snow, but was OK to miss it yesterday?

I did ask why he did it, he thought I'd be upset, damn right I'd be upset! He's never home due to school (getting his doctorate) and gym.. I never see him as I also work a second job. His family should be his priority. If we saw him more.. No I wouldn't have cared.