Friends & support?

Danielle • 27 years old, TTC 3 years, 2 early losses, currently resuming TTC with charting for 6 months before going to RE. Me and the husband are blessed with a 7 year old daughter and would love #2!
Hello ladies. My name is Danielle, I'm 27 and new here but not new to the glorious world of TTC. Me and my husband have a 7 year old daughter. I've been TTC for approx 3 years. I had a Mirena IUD removed in 2013 and became pregnant one cycle later but miscarried shortly after I found out. We have not gotten pregnant since. I've finally decided to go see my doctor and talk about wanting to start testing and possible treatments. I'm terrified, excited, and so many more things. What can I expect to be done first? I kind of gave up about a year ago with OPKs, charting, etc and this has been my first cycle that I've started again and at 13dpo it's a BFN and lots of cramps so I know what's around the corner. We may try preseed this cycle too seeing as I notice this cycle I had hardly no EWCM. Also may try gertirol. Just so frustrated and sad today. Could use some support and a community that isn't constant pictures of BFP. I'm just so bitter about everything today. Thanks for reading ladies. XO.