It's been a year.

This time last year, my husband cheated on me with his baby mama. We were only dating then. He told me immediately after and told her it was a mistake and made her leave. There had been a snowstorm, but he drove to my house and told me in person. We broke up and he called the next day to say he knew it was a mistake and he couldn't be without me. As time went on, we got back together and I trusted him again. He knew it was a mistake and I knew he'd never do it again. And he hasn't. He's never given me a reason to think otherwise since. He's been even more devoted to me. He eventually proposed and we got married three months after he proposed. We've grown so much stronger. We're happy. We have a few fights every now and then, like all couples, but the trust and love is there. Yesterday, he went to pick his daughter up from his ex girlfriend and left at 12:45. It's a 15 minute drive for each of them. They meet halfway, at a gas station. He doesn't have a cell phone, so he gets on his computer when he gets home to message me on Facebook and let me know he and my stepdaughter are safe. Well, he never messaged me. It was 2:15 and I finally called our home phone. He answered and said he had forgotten to get on his computer because his daughter was asleep when he carried her in and she woke up and wanted him to lay with her. It was snowy yesterday so I was worried something happened. And of course, that freaking little thought came into my head. Because it was the same day a year ago... This was one of the hardest times of my life. When he answered the phone I was crying from nerves and stress because I had no idea what happened or if he was safe. He apologized for not letting me know he was home safe and making me worry. It sucks because I moved past this. I don't think about it, I trust him, and I know it wouldn't happen again. I guess the nerves and anxiety of not knowing if he was okay or if he was there with his ex that long all just got to me because it was a year ago. I'm just kind of in the slumps about it, I guess. The feelings are resurfacing.