Am I being too hard on him?

My husband just lost his job two weeks ago, I am 38 weeks pregnant and have no job and diagnosed with preeclampsia with no insurance. I am under a great amount of stress due to running out of money and frustration of needing a job. He is trying to look for jobs from my knowledge. A local department store is hiring near us, although he won't be making as much as he did at his old job it's still a job and wouldn't hurt to apply just to get some money in the house since I can't get a job because I'm too far along. Am I wrong for being upset that he won't even try to get a job? Or am I being hard on him please let me know. I'm kinda upset because I feel even though it's not the best job it's better than nothing at all. Expecially if you have a family to take care of ..😭😞