Getting excited!!!

With only 3 months left till I meet my newest Lil prince I'm looking back & very proud at how far I've come this past yr.....I was in a abusive relationship, using drugs lost everything, including my family! I'm now 8 months sober, learning to live on my own without a man until I find the right one,I've accepted my past,I know I will b greatly judged for all this on here n I'm judged on a daily basis,I'm OK with it all now,I've made a lot of mistakes but I think chooseing to keep this baby ,getting a 2nd chance literally at life after dieing for a Lil over a min....I'm gonna have this fresh start,sober,with a Lil man to put all my time n love into,I can't wait to meet him!!! Sorry for the ramble I'm jus really proud of myself😀