So on Monday ( 2

BabyGirl • First time for me and my hubby to become mommy and daddy !!! I cant wait
So on Monday ( 2.08.16) I was told that I was dilated to a 3 .so in Tuesday I was having really bad contractions but not as badly .but Wednesday my contractions started to double and increase by 1:30pm then my fiance's mom record them for me they were coming and going and I was in so much pain that I was crying and hurting my fiance but his mom crying the ambulance and they took me to sunrise hospital in las Vegas ,NV and then I got into a room for me to get checked then I get told that I am dilated to a 5 so then I was admitted .they took me up to my room and my fiance and his mom and his brother and girlfriend and their son came up and seen me .everybody talked and then they had to leave well .. I got a medicine to make my contractions get stronger and process more and then the doctor came in and broke my water to start the labor process well my water ended up dripping like a water fall on the floor and the nurse while I was getting the epidural in my back .well the epidural got put in and then my whole lower half of my body went completly numb and then I started to get pale and sick ..started puking sucking on ice and then around 7:30 the nurses came in to check on the baby and his heart rate was dropping and they had me move side to side to see if the baby's heart rate would go up nope .so I had to get a emergency c- section and the baby was born at 7:42pm at 5 lbs and 10oz. Tall but really small and 19.5 inches long