PCOS & Vitex!

So I've been consistently taking vitex for about 3 months & have realized that it significantly reduces my acne. 
I've had pcos since i was about 13/14 & only recently have I started having acne issues... But then I started taking vitex and although I'm still working on getting my period under control, the vitex definitely cleared up my acne.
I took a 5 day break and in those days, I literally got about 7+ pimples, (disgusting and tmi I know,) & have been so embarrassed of my skin, but you have to take a 5 day break somewhere. 😩😩
Anywho... I can't wait for everything to clear up because wearing no makeup to not make it worse  is humiliating at work & having to wear a green face mask for hours to calm my skin down is not so fun either! 😩😩
Anywho, just wanted to give you girls a heads up for anyone who suffers with pre menstrual symptoms ; vitex really helps for ALMOST everyone with pms.