.....venting. long post sorry...

So we thought we were ready to start growing our family . After tonight I'm sure we arent. My so and i have been together for almost four years. We live together and are engaged. Everything was fantastic until about 2 weeks ago. He does have a short temper and iv known from day one but never ever physical not even to males. Anyway the passed couple nights he has been just nit picking at everything i know for example i wrote a list out and forgot one word literally and he lost his crap. I apologized but said i was copying what he wrote and he goes all quiet so i said what because iv pointed it out that you did wrong you cant accept it now your not talking. Hes giving me the silent treatment now and he is on the other side of the couch. Am i in the wrong here? I have no clue anymore. Sorry for the long post just needed to vent