Rant: "I've been on my own for so long"


I have an exfriend who tells everyone she comes across some sob story about how she's been on her own since she was 16. I've known this girl for many years. She has always been spoiled beyond belief. I come from a family with alot of siblings, so money was super tight. Her parents, however, gave her and her sister any and everything they ever wanted. She had a car at 16 and went to live with her bf's family for free, never once had to take money out of her own pocket for anything. It was all given to her. Even then her parents still provided for her.

My siblings and I had to work for whatever we wanted and our parents struggled financially, but we always had a roof over our head and food on the table. When I graduated, instead of going to college right away, I worked instead to help out with bills and food. This girl graduated a year after me, and moved into her aunt's house after breaking up with the guy because she didn't want her parents telling her what to do if she moved in with them. At her aunt's, however, she had to pay $100/month for her part of rent. Her parents had just bought her a BRAND NEW car and made payments on it, and all she had to do was put gas in it. I moved out and into an apt with another friend of mine. Paid half the bills (still no car) but gave gas money to anyone who helped me get back and forth from work. My exfriend decided she didn't want to follow her aunt's rules anymore and came crying to me about having nowhere to go. We let her stay with us for a while, but she had to pay her share of bills too (only 190 for everything between us three). She got paid every week. If she worked a fully week, she makes in one week what I make in two weeks. Yet she always spent her money on unnecessary expensive stuff instead of what she really needed. Keep in mind her parents paid her car payments, paid her phone bill, and gave her gas money every week even though she could pay it all herself.

Here's the thing that I'm ranting about. This girl has literally gotten everything she's ever wanted, and only had to pay any type of bill for just 6 months (she didn't last long living with us or her aunt), yet she tells EVERYONE she's been on her own since she was 16. I could never say that, because I've seen and met people my age who ran away from home/got kicked out/etc and had to live on the streets bumming people for money. I've met girls who got pregnant at 15/16 and had to get a job/multiple jobs and drop put of school to provide for their baby and themselves because their parents wouldn't do it. THOSE are the people who can say they've been on their own for x amount of time. The ones who have had to work hard to survive and make ends meet, not have everything handed to them on a silver platter.

Sorry for the long rant, but I just needed to vent😩 it just really irked my nerves because my mom mentioned something about her earlier and it pissed me off.