
Jamie • Jace Ryan Hudgins Born January 25th 2016

So I have had a real hard time with breastfeeding my lo, he is 3 weeks on monday. I have been to a lactation consultant a few times and they said his latch is all wrong. They tried to help me fix it and show me how it's suppose to be but when I go home and try on my own without their help I can't figure it out. It really hurts so much!!

So I have been pumping and supplementing with formula. I'm just so disappointed because I wanted to bf him for 6 months and I feel like that's just not going to happen. I cry when he latches from the pain. I've tried every position. Nothing works.

Has anyone been able to pump and use formula supplementation successfully? How long did the pumping last? And how often did you pump during the day?

Thank you