No visitors...

I informed my family last night that my husband and I won't be taking visitors (unless we feel ready) after our daughter is born, last night. 
Holy freakin' shit fit...
I explained that I'll want to rest and let my two sons have one on one bonding time too.  My last two deliveries my baby was always swept away from me by family and my room was always cramped that there was never time to bond or rest.  And then when baby would cry they'd give him right back to me.  Ugh.  
Anyway, they all know I'm selecting to be induced this time around and they literally told me they'll be waiting at the hospital and didn't care what our wishes are.  My own mother even said "you can't keep that baby from her grandmother".... Unbelievable.  The conversation eventually ended in saying I would inform the nurses that we do not want visitors and that'll be that.  
What happened to respecting a mothers wishes?  Since when are they ENTITLED to this baby?  I'm in shock that the conversation didn't go smoother, but have any of you mommas dealt with this?  Is there something I can do with my birthing plan or have the hospital not release our room number to guests?