My birth story

Tried to shorten it as much as possible..
I had contraction for 2 days but nothing I could not handle with everyday work. Monday 8th feb morning I came back from light walk and felt a gush of liquid flow in my underpants. Checked and it was blood. Called my doctor she said if it goes heavy then I should call her and asked me to take rest then on Same night I was lying in bed and felt that gush again checked and it was water. I wasn't sure if it's mucus or my water broke so we called hospital and went to got it checked. The first thing they checked was my blood pressure and it came out to be 190/104. I was in preeclampsia. And then they checked if it was my water. Yes ladies it was!!! I was admitted and Doctor was concerned for blood pressure. Initially they gave me few pills but it didn't go down. Then they put on magnesium still it wasn't going down. And my contractions were 10 mins apart they were also not going strong. So my doctor recommended me to have epidural at 11 am on 9th feb. I was 8 cm dilated by then. I was in so much of pain I said ok. And after few hours she said contractions are still further apart so she gave me pitocin. I wanted a natural birth but my blood pressure was out of control. Then she checked me and told me I am having swelling and I went back to 6 cm and we might have to go for c section if my blood pressure doesn't come in control or if the swelling won't stop. Then there was change of nurse shift. The new nurse made me lie on few different positions and then doctor came and checked me at 9 and said I was 7 but still there is swelling. Them the nurse Angie changed few more positions and checked me at 12 and said I was 9 and station 1. I was so happy and at 230 I was 10 amd station 2 and gave birth to my beautiful girl at 335 AM.