Really grinds my gears!!!

You know what really grinds my gears...I worked my ass off to get a job as an engineer to make a better life for my family and what that got us this year was a whole new tax bracket...for those of us who actually use that money towards paying off debt, instead of blowing it, means people who get more money than they paid in taxes back get to do what they want with OUR money. It is completely ridiculous that if you are middle class you struggle more than lower class. We don't get state assistance for food, healthcare...etc. Meanwhile those who do get assistance get loads of money back come tax time, and that money more often than not just gets blown. I'm not saying everyone blows there taxes; I'm just frustrated that if you make a living wage in this country there is no break for you. I wanted to put a down payment on a house this quarter. We have paid over $20,000 in taxes this year and we get less than 10% of that back. Meanwhile my cousin who works part time in fast food gets near $5000 back because she had a baby. She is already talking about new electronics when last month she was asking to borrow rent money. It's enough to make me bawl the middle-class isn't given a break.