Fingering accident

So me and my boyfriend were messing around in bed and he started fingering me super hard. We were both getting really into it and it felt great. Then he said he felt me really wet. He pulled his hand out and it had blood all over it. I went to the bathroom and I knew it wasn't period blood but I had no pain. I know when you are in that state you pain tolerance is higher but it was a suprise to find that much blood. Has this happened to anyone else? Don't know what happened. 
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Posted at
This has happened to me but it was actually period blood. I was sooooo embarrassed because my period wasn't supposed to come for another week! Luckily he is an awesome man and picked me up, ran to the bathroom screaming, "I won't let you die by bleeding out from your vagina!" I was like.....What.The.Fuck.I'm glad he made a joke out of it though because it was one of the most awkward sexual experiences EVER.


Mayra • Feb 19, 2016
That's never happened to me but that's the sweetest thing! ^_^ lol


KoroLera • Feb 19, 2016
Same with my bf. We are so lucky girls , we have such a nice and supportive boyfriends


Nikki💋 • Feb 18, 2016
That happened to me too. My boyfriend is also very supportive. Just took a shower together and washed up.


Posted at
He probably just scraped you. The inside of the vagina doesn't have very many nerve endings so that on top of the whole higher pain tolerance during sex thing, it's not weird that you didn't really feel any pain. 


LC • Feb 19, 2016
Yes the clitoris has thousands. Lmao. Whoever would say it has none has never been sexually curious with themselves or someone else!!


Ash • Feb 18, 2016
The clit has millions of nerve endings which is why it's so sensitive


Caroline🌼 • Feb 18, 2016
No I don't but I'm educated on the human body. The vaginal canal has way less nerve endings than anything else, especially the clit.


Posted at
This happened to me! I was so embarrassed. I ran to the bathroom and he had popped my cherry. I only bled for a minute. I came back in the room so embarrassed. I apologized and he was like, "babe it's okay, it happens" 


KoroLera • Feb 19, 2016
Same shit happened with me ! I was so scared coz of this . And now when my bf fingering me i have some blood..... Idk what should I think, so scared coz of this ;(


Nikki💋 • Feb 18, 2016
Umm I have had sex plenty of time. So it wasn't him popping my cherry. That's why I was confused.


Skye • Feb 18, 2016
That's what "popping of the cherry" means 😂


Posted at
This has happened to me THREE times. But I'm pretty sure the first time he just popped my cherry, but then I realized after the last two times he was scraping like the walls on the inside. It doesn't hurt, but you sure bleed ALOT. And no, this does not mean you have lost your virginity.


Nikki💋 • Feb 18, 2016
Yeah I'm no where near a virgin so that's why I was confused.


Posted at
I was looking for something like this because it just happened to me and my bf and I were freaking out because we had sex before and I never bleed like that before! I'm glad I found someone else that experienced the same thing cuz I still feel no pain at all. If we can get more comments I'm sure the both of us will appreciate it 😭


Nikki💋 • Feb 18, 2016
Yes. Just thought it was weird. I have had sex many times so it seemed a little weird for that to happen out of the blue.


Posted at
Sometimes too much friction and not enough lubrication causes bleeding. It won't hurt but so bad unless it's more towards the outside and then it will feel like it burns when you pee. But he very well could've scraped you and caused too much friction and that would create a few sort of cuts that would cause that. 


Posted at
It's happened to me too. My SO fingered me so hard I blead. It was so embarrassing but these things happen unfortunately. It's natural. 


Posted at
It means he popped your cherry, nothing to worry about really(:


Nikki💋 • Feb 18, 2016
I'm not even close to being a virgin that is why I am asking this question.


Nicki • Feb 18, 2016
It doesn't exist


Posted at
I've had sex before and this has never happened to me, like obviously I know I'm not a virgin but if I didn't bleed like you guys are saying is "poping the cherry" then what's going on?? 


Nikki💋 • Feb 18, 2016
I'm by far not a virgin so that is why I am confused.


Janita • Feb 18, 2016
So forget the part about hymen being stretchier. It actually has to do with relaxed muscles which allows the hymen to stretch. My bad


Janita • Feb 18, 2016
It just means you're well lubricated and or your hymen is stretchier. Bleeding only happens if you're too rough.


Posted at
Happens to me all of the time. It's usually because there's not enough wetness to accommodate to the friction so to prevent it try lube or just spit works fine 🙈


Nikki💋 • Feb 18, 2016
Haha thanks for the advice. You are the only person who hasn't said "he popped your cherry!"