Month 3 on Clomid - Another 100mg

Tiffany • 35 years old w/PCOS. Conceived a girl (born Jan. ‘17) on Clomid. Second girl born Oct. ‘20 on Fermara. Now pregnant naturally with baby #3
So here we are again.  Last month I had given Clomid another try at 100mg and this time I had none of the strong pregnancy signs I felt month one at 50mg - I didn't know how to feel about that.  I did ovulate according to all the OPKs I took, but as I suspected would happen, AF came to follow; so I am on to round 3 and a second round of 100mg Clomid (CD 5-9).  This time time I will be getting a progesterone test at CD 25 to see if this Clomid is even truly making me ovulate.
I gotta tell you, I don't feel super hopeful for this month.  My doctor however tell me that sometimes it takes a few rounds for it to work.  So I am wondering if maybe my body just needs another round or two for it to work?  I've got my fingers crossed here.  I'm really starting to worry that maybe I won't be able to have the baby I want so badly.
Plus, my docotor decides to tell me only a few days ago that their facility doesn't prescribe Femara.  
I hope that everything is going better for all of you <3